Initial evaluations may include blood tests is to assess potential electrolyte abnormalities (especially sodium levels) associated with the dehydration. Tests may or may not be done on the patient depending upon the underlying cause of dehydration, the severity of illness, and the healthcare provider's assessment of their needs. For infants like Zulazmin may have additional evaluations done, including checking for a soft spot on the skull (sunken fontanelle), assessing the suck mechanism, muscle tone, or loss of sweat in the armpits and groin. All are signs of potential significant dehydration.
Dr Md Nazim mentioned that complications of dehydration may occur because of the dehydration and because of the underlying disease or situation that cause the fluid loss. For infants is dangerous is can cause kidney failure is a common occurrence, although if it is due to dehydration and is treated early, it is often reversible. As dehydration progresses, the volume of fluid in the intravascular space decreases, and blood pressure may fall. This can decrease blood flow to vital organs like the kidneys, and like any organ with a decreased blood flow; it has the potential to fail to do its job. How Zulazmin dehydration treated?As is often the case in medicine, prevention is the important first step in the treatment of dehydration. Fluid replacement is the treatment for dehydration. This may be attempted by replacing fluid by mouth, but if this fails, intravenous fluid (IV) may be required. Should oral rehydration be attempted, frequent small amounts of clear fluids should be used. Alhamdulliah, now Zulazmin fully recovered from dehydration.
Finally thank you to Az-Zahrah Islamic Medical Centre's nurses and Dr Md Nazim for wonderful hospitality. May Allah bless you all. Next follow-up check up will be 19 Spetmber 2008.
Hi Mizam, I hope your baby fine now. I know you worry to much with your baby condition and thesis progress. Pray to God for guide you all the way. Keep reading and writing. See you... wish you good luck..
Thank you Mr Fazz......
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