5.45 am - Wake up and solat (of course take bath). Wake up my children prepare for go to school. They are very difficult wake up early in the morning. My wife already in the kitchen prepared our breakfast. She normally prepared lunch for our 2 kids in primary school – Zulazlan Standard 5 and Zulazman Standard 2 – Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi. I have to make sure their room neat and tidy. I also ready with my books and note book to go to UKM. Unfortunately, we don’t have any helper – bibik for the last 3 years. However we can still manage and organize our time with our kids and house work.
7.00 am - Drive from our house, Taman Desa Saujana, Sungai Merab Dalam to Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi. My wife send our daughter – Zulazlin (6 years old) to her kindergarten just 5 minutes drive from our house. Then she sends our 2 kids (3 years old and 4 months olds) to our baby sitter – Kak Ida (Thank You Kak Ida look after our kids). Then my wife drive to her office- MENARA TELEKOM
7.20 am - I reached Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi and send them to school. Later I send other their Sekolah Agama’s uniforms at their transit home in front of their school. Because in afternoon they have to attend Kelas Tahfiz and Agama.
7.20 – 7.45am - Drive from Bandar Baru Bangi to UKM. Looking for car park. Normally I park my car in front of Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang (PTSL) – UKM’s Library. Normally after 8.30 am is difficult to find parking lot in UKM.
7.45 – 8.00 am - While sitting in the car and listening 94.5 fm Light and Easy (PTSL open 8.00am), have my breakfast prepared by my wife. Thank you sayang..
8.00 – 9.00 am - I enter PTSL and looking for my favorite place at level 5 and switch on my lap top. Check online newspaper and check my email.

5.45 am - Wake up and solat (of course take bath). Wake up my children prepare for go to school. They are very difficult wake up early in the morning. My wife already in the kitchen prepared our breakfast. She normally prepared lunch for our 2 kids in primary school – Zulazlan Standard 5 and Zulazman Standard 2 – Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi. I have to make sure their room neat and tidy. I also ready with my books and note book to go to UKM. Unfortunately, we don’t have any helper – bibik for the last 3 years. However we can still manage and organize our time with our kids and house work.
7.00 am - Drive from our house, Taman Desa Saujana, Sungai Merab Dalam to Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi. My wife send our daughter – Zulazlin (6 years old) to her kindergarten just 5 minutes drive from our house. Then she sends our 2 kids (3 years old and 4 months olds) to our baby sitter – Kak Ida (Thank You Kak Ida look after our kids). Then my wife drive to her office- MENARA TELEKOM

7.20 – 7.45am - Drive from Bandar Baru Bangi to UKM. Looking for car park. Normally I park my car in front of Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang (PTSL) – UKM’s Library. Normally after 8.30 am is difficult to find parking lot in UKM.
7.45 – 8.00 am - While sitting in the car and listening 94.5 fm Light and Easy (PTSL open 8.00am), have my breakfast prepared by my wife. Thank you sayang..

9.00 – 11.00 am - Review and read books related to Dr Hamzah’s lectures on Globalization and Government. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding about Globalization and Development in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”. (I didn’t realise “My PhD Journal Volume 1” is completed in a month) . However this time, UKM or Faculty organise Professorial Speech . I would like to attend the public lecture series to gain some knowledge and experience how the professor presents his data and findings. Since January I already attended 3 Professorial Speech .
11.00 – 1.00 pm - Review and read books related to Dr Juneinah’s lectures on Governance and Development. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding about Governance and Developments in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”.
1.00 - 2.00 pm - Solat and Lunch
2.00 – 4.00 pm - Check online and read e-Journal related to Dr Hamzah’s lectures on Globalization and Development. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”. However every Thursday from 2.00 – 4.00 pm, Dr Juneinah will conduct lectures on Governance and Development. Since January I already attended 3 Dr Juneinah’s lectures and I lecture from Puan Mashitah. They are very good and knowledgeable about the topic.
4.00 – 5.30 pm - Check online and read e-Journal related to Dr Juneinah’s lectures on Governance and Development. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding. in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”. However every Friday 4.00 – 6.00 pm, Dr Hamzah will conduct lectures on Globalization and Development. Since January I already attended 3 Dr Hamzah’s lectures and I lecture from Dr Abdul Hair. They are very good and knowledgeable about the topic.

2.00 – 4.00 pm - Check online and read e-Journal related to Dr Hamzah’s lectures on Globalization and Development. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”. However every Thursday from 2.00 – 4.00 pm, Dr Juneinah will conduct lectures on Governance and Development. Since January I already attended 3 Dr Juneinah’s lectures and I lecture from Puan Mashitah. They are very good and knowledgeable about the topic.
4.00 – 5.30 pm - Check online and read e-Journal related to Dr Juneinah’s lectures on Governance and Development. Then I write a few pages my opinion and understanding. in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”. However every Friday 4.00 – 6.00 pm, Dr Hamzah will conduct lectures on Globalization and Development. Since January I already attended 3 Dr Hamzah’s lectures and I lecture from Dr Abdul Hair. They are very good and knowledgeable about the topic.
5.30 -5.45 pm - Solat
5.45 – 6.30 pm - Drive from UKM to Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi pick up my kids and their belongings at their transit house.
6.30 – 7.00pm - Drive from Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi to Taman Desa Saujana, Sungai Merab Dalam. Pick up another 3 kids at our baby sitter's house - Kak Ida. If my wife went home early she will pick up them .
7.00 – 9.00 pm - Do some house work and helping my wife in the kitchen. Solat and Dinner. Check and assist my children doing their homework and study revision. Watching TV3 8pm News. Every Tuesday and Thursday my son Zulazlan will attend tuition class at Desa Putra about 5 minutes drive from 8.00 – 10.00 pm. By 7.50 pm I will send him.

6.30 – 7.00pm - Drive from Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan 3 Bandar Baru Bangi to Taman Desa Saujana, Sungai Merab Dalam. Pick up another 3 kids at our baby sitter's house - Kak Ida. If my wife went home early she will pick up them .
7.00 – 9.00 pm - Do some house work and helping my wife in the kitchen. Solat and Dinner. Check and assist my children doing their homework and study revision. Watching TV3 8pm News. Every Tuesday and Thursday my son Zulazlan will attend tuition class at Desa Putra about 5 minutes drive from 8.00 – 10.00 pm. By 7.50 pm I will send him.
9.00 – 11.00 pm - Check my email and update my research blog. By 9.50 pm I pick my son from tuition class at Desa Putra. Make sure my chidren go to

11.00 -12.30am - Check and review Dr Hamzah, Dr Juneinah’s lectures and also my notes what I have written today in “My PhD Journal Volume 1”.
12.30am - Rest…ZZZZZZZZ
May I read your "My PhD Journal Volume 1"??
Please go tru this article..
Thank you...Dr Hamzah..I had tru the website...very good.. At least it will assist me..
My Phd Journal Volume 1 is only a book how I am documentary in a form of sketches, diagrams,my hand writing notes how the ideas in my mind translate into concept and words.. I am segmenting the notes according to dates.
If I have time I typing properly in my research blog. Ok...later I will show you...
ok, thank you very much..
Beside that, I think you should slowly concentrated into your Ph.D subject matter..
Hi, your babysitter tu kat taman desa saujana jgk ker? bole bg contact no tak?
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